7 Lessons Learned In 7 Years Of Brand And Web Design

Last year, I celebrated my 6th year of running a brand and web design business in a big way - with a complete rebrand. We’re talking about a new name, branding, website, and services. And this year? I’m celebrating my 7th year by launching my blog! 

With these pivotal moments, I couldn’t help but reflect on my design journey and I’m eager to share my insights, experiences, and lessons with you. Because whether you’re a small business owner (me too!) or a new designer (been there!), I’ve been in your shoes.

For the business owners out there, creating a brand that feels like you can be overwhelming. You want your brand to connect to your story while resonating with your audience but finding a designer who gets your vision and can elevate it? That’s a whole venture on its own. 

And to the new designers, fresh on the scene - questions race through your mind like “What skills should I focus on?”, “What does running a business look like?”, and “How do I stand out from other designers?”

This blog is my way of sitting down with you, pouring a pot of tea, and sharing what 7 years in brand and web design have taught me so you can ease your mind about your current journey. 

Turning From Freelancer To Brand And Web Design Studio

If you don’t already know me: Hi, I’m Tegan, a brand and website designer!

My journey into the design world and love for visual storytelling started in college where I graduated with a degree in design. After graduation, I took on the role of in-house designer for hospitality brands where I sharpened my design skills in a team environment. 

But the urge to carve my own path grew stronger every day - something I’m sure you’re familiar with - leading me to branch out as a freelance designer. This stage of my business was a whirlwind of growth, learning, and connections.

For six years, I worked as a freelance designer under my name. At first, it was freeing! But over time, I felt like my personal identity placed a cap on my professional potential (even though it didn’t). 

The decision to rebrand to Kind Nature Creative wasn’t just about adopting a new name. It was an opportunity to embody a more confident and professional version of myself that could serve my clients better.

And it came around because of the lessons I’m sharing with you right here!

7 Lessons In 7 Years Of Brand And Web Design

1. Design With The Client’s Journey In Mind

As a designer, it’s easy to get caught up in what you think would be fun for a brand or what’s fun to work on! But at the end of the day, the design is for your client - not you. 

With every project, I analyze where my client currently is in their business AND where they want to grow. This focus means I design with their journey and needs in mind, not just a quick flash of excitement. 

2. Trust The Creative Process 

I’m a self-professed perfectionist, especially when it comes to my client work. For years, I put pressure on myself to create the perfect design right from the start and I’d get frustrated when it wouldn’t come together. 

But now? Now I trust the process. When a design isn’t clicking or I feel a creative block, I know to step away rather than force it. It always comes together in the end. 

3. Prioritize Timeless Over Trendiness 

Part of my job as a designer is to be aware of the different design trends to stay relevant. My expertise comes in by balancing those trends with my client’s long-term needs. 

Sure, I might give a nod to a certain typography trend if it fits the creative vision. But I’m not going to sacrifice the longevity of a brand for something that’ll be overdone and on the way out in a year. 

4. Don’t Sleep On Your Business Side

The truth is, I didn’t learn much about the business side of design in college. So most of my large investments have gone toward refining my operations and processes.

From legal contracts (shout out to The Contract Shop) to a design business course (The Designer Essentials Club by Wayfarer Studio) to community coaching (with Design Biz Mastery by Morgan Rapp), learning how to run a design business gave me more energy to support my clients and their goals better. 

5. Proactively Market And Brand Your Services

My biggest lightbulb moment in 7 years of brand and web design? I actually have to market and sell my services!

Putting myself out there through Instagram or email marketing doesn’t come naturally to me which was a leading factor in my rebrand. My new brand feels genuine to me but still creates a separation between my personal life and work, making it a whole lot easier to show up online and build connections.

6. Invest In Professional Support 

I constantly tell my clients how important it is to hire a professional when possible. And I stand by that suggestion for myself as well!

From copywriting to photography to mentorship, I’ve sought out the support and advice of other creative professionals throughout my entire career. Every investment helped my business grow and opened my eyes to the client side of outsourcing their work. 

7. Remember To Breathe

The biggest lesson over 7 years is simple but one I need to remind myself of daily: We’re all human. 

We can’t pump out creative work 8 hours a day. We have creative blocks and bad sleeps. We get sick or have family emergencies. We deserve to not bring our laptops on our vacation! No matter where you are in your business, remember to give yourself space to breathe and be human. 

Embracing A New Chapter Of Brand And Web Design

By sharing these 7 lessons, I hope they offer some clarity and encouragement to fellow small business owners wondering about their next step. 

For those at the beginning of your brand journey or considering a rebrand, remember this: every twist, turn, and lesson along the way is part of your unique story. Embrace every moment of it with both hands. 

If these lessons resonate with you, and you want to experience the confidence and clarity that comes with professional brand and web design, then take a look through my services. 

I’d love to partner with you by infusing my experience with your story to create a brand unlike any other. 


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